If this belt caught your attention I am not surprised! A belt with our beloved crystal dragon buckle is always one to behold and paired up as it is on this occasion with our moodily toned Merlot mock caiman belt you have a truly stand out piece. In case you are new to Elliot Rhodes you should know that we have always been fond of our mock croc effect belts. This mock caiman incarnation takes us all the way back to when we started out and after a brief hiatus it is now back in all its glory! As with so many of our mock croc belts this belt in its deep rich Pinot Noir colour has the wonderful advantage of a range of lighter and darker tones which when added to the texture with its mix of smooth flank, raised spines and darker veins gives the belt some real character and depth. By the time you add the dragon buckle in its aged silver finish and with its dense smattering of Swarovski crystals you have a pairing of two great pieces which when combined together become truly outstanding!! This belt is super fun to wear - whether as a party piece on trousers or a dress or simply to jazz up denim. It will always be the centre of attention and draw admiring looks...you have just got to be brave enough to wear it!